Toddler Little Red Riding Hood Costume
Every little girl knows to keep an eye out for big bad wolves when she heads into the woods, but does she know how to dress for such a journey? There are tons of possibilities, but the best look for your little one's adorable forest adventure is our exclusive Little Red Riding Hood Costume!What really makes a red riding hood the best outfit to wear in the woods (apart from it being adorable) is that it's a lovely, classic, time proven style. Bright red clothes easily stand out in the dark green and brown trees, so other travelers can see her coming from a ways away. It's also a good warning for wicked wolves who might want to try tricking a kid who just wants to bring some goodies to her granny. Those critters know not to mess around with girls in bright red hoods, since she'll outsmart and turn the tables on them! So, whenever a bad wolf sees a red hood coming, they just leave her be.Your little one is sure to have a lovely trip through the woods in our cheery costume! The polyester dress is made up of a white blouse, with short puffed elastic sleeves, and a red skirt trimmed in white lace and features an attached apron which ties behind the waist. A red hooded cape fastens around the neck with velcro and a red neck tie completes the costume. Pick up the wicker basket accessory to go with this adorable look!