Adult Elvis Presley Jail House Rock Costume
A Party in the County JailIt should come to no surprise that everyone enjoys a good party. Whether it's a holiday party, a birthday party, a costume party or a special surprise party, parties are fun for everyone, no matter their age or occupation. So really, we shouldn't be too surprised that county jail inmates also enjoy special celebrations! Sure, they can't really decorate except for stringing up some chains and shackles, and their pinata is stuffed full of hard tack and beans, but it's the thought that counts.We're willing to bet that cell block parties are looked forward to all year round. They're probably the biggest event of the year, except maybe the annual inmate talent show. Maybe the warden and the prison guards even join the fun. After all, who could be dour when there's a party going on? And parties have been especially fun ever since that new guy with the slicked back black hair and funky, hip-swaying dance moves arrived, strumming a guitar and singing with his smooth baritone drawl. That guy's got what it takes to make it big once he gets out of here, we're sure of it!Product DetailsParty in style (even if you're in the slammer!) with this Elvis Presley Jail House Rock Adult Costume. The costume is 100 percent polyester and jersey knit material, with a black and white striped shirt, black jacket and black pants. The shirt has a hook-and-loop fastener down the center, while the twill polyseter jacket has graphics (including the King's own inmate number!) and buttons down the front. The matching black pants have an elastic waistband for a comfy fit.Rockin' the Cell BlockYou might be physically behind bars, but you'll feel free as a bird in this footloose and fancy free costume!