Peace Tie Dye Earrings
Peace, Love, and Tie-DyeHippie culture is a fascinating thing to learn about. They had a lot of ideas on how to live, whether it was in a commune or a van, and supported the message of peace, love, and harmony. No matter your opinions on their lifestyle, you have to admit that their fashion sense was awesome! Long hair for everyone, bold patterns, loose peasant clothing, and tie-dye are all coming back into fashion. Tie-dye specifically is a really cool concept because it's a way that you can customize your own clothing and accessories. And if you add in a peace symbol, you'll have something that a hippie would be proud of!Product DetailsIf you'd like to sport the flower power style this Halloween, try these Tie-Dye Peace Earrings. They'll go really well with your fringed vest and bell-bottom jeans. And of course, it doesn't have to be October to spread the message of peace! You can wear them anytime you need some extra color in your outfit.Psychedelic StyleThese Tie-Dye Peace Earrings are perfect to add the finishing detail to any hippie costume or just to add to your outfit when you want to spread some love. We know you'll look groovy whenever you wear them!