Blue Women's Tutu
When little girls say that they want to be ballerinas, what percentage of those kids just want to wear the iconic tutu? Turns out, you don't need to sacrifice your toes to point shoes, your days to brutal practices, or your closet to various shades of leotards. Maybe you like leotards, maybe you don't but one thing's for sure, the tutu is the most enjoyable skirt ever invented. In our modern era society's take on the tutu is quite refreshing. No longer is the tutu confined the dark theater surrounded by red velvet curtains. You don't even need to know what second position is. You can put your tutu on for a costume, sure. Can-can girls, circus dogs, any costume could use a tutu. Or, take that fun feeling to your day to day and wear your dark blue tutu with some leggings on the street. Why not? It's the modern era, let's tutu!