Plus Size Country Star Singer Costume
Southern StarWell howdy there, good-lookin! Your story has traveled - you've come to the big city from your family's farm in Georgia or Alabama or another fantastic Southern state with nothing but a dream and your battered guitar. You've been in and out of every bar in Nashville, singing in the low lights and hoping for your big break. Well, guess what? Your hard work and incredible talent has paid off big-time! We can see it now: Your name in lights! Headlining at the Grand Ole Opry! Not one, not two, but THREE double-platinum records! And of course you 'll have to have a signature look. Rita had one. Taylor had one. Dolly definitely had one. We have just the thing for you!Product Details Step into the spotlight in your exclusive Country Singer Costume! You 'll be belting out the hits like the total babe you are in your one-of-a-kind bubblegum-pink button-up jumpsuit. The button-up style front has a sassy stretch of fringe across the chest and back that 's perfect for shimmying to the beat! White musical notes sashay up and down the jumpsuit 's front and sleeves and dance across the suit 's bell-bottom-style hems. The whole look cinches together with a show-stealing white belt. Add a glittering microphone and some fancy, fabulous cowboy boots and you 'll have an outfit guaranteed to bring the house down!9 to 5 Knockout Better grab your hairspray! A big sound requires a big personality plus a big look, and you definitely have those! A new country cutie is in town, and she 's here to stay. She might have started in the South, but she 'll soon be heard on radios all over the country. Coming to a party near you!