Hatching Pterodactyl Toddler Costume
Tiny TroubleIt's a fact of life that toddlers can get up to a lot of mischief in just a little bit of time! One minute they're happily coloring a picture of a T-rex roaring trimphantly at a Triceratops and you think it's safe to check the news....and then you check on them a minute later to discover that you now have a crayon mural on your wall. It's kind of incredible. Imagine what could happen if your toddler had wings, scales, and fangs? A pterodactyl's mommy had to keep a much closer eye on the kind of baby that could fly away and try to play a joke on an Allosaur. Mom dinosaurs deserve medals too. Product DetailsYour little monster will be the cutest thing in Pangaea when he or she wears this exclusively designed Hatching Pterodactyl Costume for Toddler! The outfit includes a one-piece jumpsuit made of deep green polyester velour with a light green oval inset on the tummy. Scaly dinos would be hard to snuggle, but this suit is so soft that cuddling with your Cretaceous cutie is no problem. The long sleeves are sewn with triangle-shaped "wings" and the attached shoe covers shaped like dino feet can be secured under each foot with the sewn-on elastic bands. The outfit's attached hood features a soft-sculpted dino beak and crest as well as facial details. The foam-backed body shell accessory fits over the costume like a pair of briefs, and the shell-shaped foam headpiece slips on over the hood's crest. The Sky's the LimitThis dino costume is too much fun just to save for Halloween and dress-up occasions! It's perfect for games of make-believe during the whole year. The wings don't actually work, though. You're welcome.