Toddler Sheriff Costume
The littlest sheriffBeing a law enforcement officer is no easy task. There are long days and longer nights, with plenty of weekends and holidays away from the missus and kids. There's a constant threat of danger, whether you're bustin' up a drug ring or in the middle of a high-speed chance down the freeway. And don't even get us started on the bureaucracy and red tape once you get higher up on the force. Search warrants! Subpoenas! Pensions!Being a sheriff is difficult enough, but it's even harder when you're only three years old. High-speed patrol car chases are so much more challenging when you can't reach the floor pedals. There's only so fast you can furiously pedal your tricycle! It's hard to pull all-night stakeouts when your bedtime is 7 p.m. And every time you get really engrossed in your case file, it's naptime. Even getting ready for work is difficult, since you can't tie your own shoes yet and have to ask your mom to help you. Sometimes, your coworkers tease you for bringing in your baby blanket, even though HR has talked to them about that a few times now. And your mom doesn't let you drink coffee, so you feel even more out of place in the precinct.Product DetailsYes, being a three-year-old law officer is no walk in the park, but it's in your blood, so you've got to do it. At least you can look sufficiently official with this Toddler's Sheriff Costume. The costume includes a tank long-sleeved shirt covered in police patches, brass buttons and even a sheriff's star. There's also a built-in brown tie to go with. The brown pants feature a tan stripe along the outside of the legs.Laying down the lawYou may be the youngest person to ever be promoted to sheriff this side of the Mississippi, but everyone will respect you with this Toddler's Sheriff Costume!