Harry Potter Plus Size Slytherin Costume T-Shirt for Adults
Slytherin in StyleNobody is sorted into the house of Salazar Slytherin if they don't have the stuff to survive everything. You've got to have the ambition for success. You need to have the wits to learn every bit of magic that is out there to discover. (Yes, even if other lesser wizards might be too afraid that it has some 'dark' connotations.) Above all, you have to present yourself as a wizard of proper breeding. Now, don't get us wrong. We're not saying that you have to be quite so concerned with all that pureblood wizard stuff. We just mean that you need to hold the wizarding world in proper esteem! You represent a history of magic that needs to be upheld. It requires a little bit of nobility... and proper dress code, of course! Even when it is time to kick your feet up, you should still be looking pristine! Product DetailsThis Plus-sized Slytherin Costume T-shirt is just the way to go about that. While everyone else is cozying up to relax, you can show that your relaxation comes in the form of magical pride with a shirt that looks like you've got your robe and tie prepared even when resting up! Wizard Casual Show the rest of the house of serpents that you've got what it takes to not only join House Slytherin but maybe even to take command. This Slytherin Costume Tee shows that you bleed green!