Rainbow Dash Girl's Costume Hoodie
Remember the last time that you imagined you were flying over the lands and willing the weather to bend to your astounding power, clearing the skies just in time to leap into the air, spread your bright sky blue wings, and do your best to prove yourself as the greatest flier in all of Equestria!? Well, let’s just say, the imagination is great but the actual sight is astounding! It was pretty impressive to watch some of those antics take place. Rainbow Dash is certainly appropriately named, given her speed in the skies and that absolutely lovely rainbow hued tail and mane!And, of all things, we know that Rainbow Dash is a being of unbreakable loyalty. Her solid friendship assures that we can feel confident and secure in all the hopes that we lay out ahead of ourselves. You can channel this same loyalty and also flash some brilliant colors with this Girl’s Rainbow Dash Hoodie. This cotton and polyester zip-up sweatshirt has glitter up front, bright rainbow sleeves, the gleaming face of Rainbow Dash, herself, and even her ears on the top of the hood and her wings on the back! We cannot promise that you’ll be the best flier in all of the human world, but you’ll certainly look the loyal part as a fan of magical friendship.