Adult Burlap Voodoo Doll Plus Size Costume
You ever had a fear that somebody would try to control you? It doesn't seem like too difficult of a thing to do. You just make a generally evil looking kind of doll out of an old burlap sack, add a few buttons for eyes, sew on a mouth, and stick a hair or two of your victim. Suddenly you can make them do whatever you want them to do. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Of course it does until you realize someone could just as easily do it to you!We might be able to give you some good advice to protect yourself from potential voodoo doll induced mind control. One of the best ways to do this is go entirely bald and always completely incinerate any hair that you cut off your body. This way, nobody can put a speck of your DNA on those terrifying little playthings. If you are a little attached to your hair and don't have a flamethrower at your house, you can always hide from everybody for the rest of your life. that way you don't have to do anything with the fear of upsetting someone. The only problem is your family might be a little upset that they never see you anymore, so they will probably voodoo the heck out of you until you show up at the family Thanksgiving dinner.We do have one last solution that might work. It could also potentially turn you into a super villain. You could become the doll! Just throw on this sweet uniform and not only will you not be able to be controlled, but you can also control anybody else you want while you're at it! How could selling this costume to anyone possible go wrong?