Lumber Jack Opposuit for Men
Make Paul ProudTall as trees, strong as ten guys, and best friends with a blue ox -- does this sound like you? Well, maybe not entirely, but in part, probably. There's only one Paul Bunyan, after all, and that guy is a legend for a reason: he and Babe the Blue Ox fashioned the country's lakes and rivers at will, created the Puget Sound, carved out the Grand Canyon, and smoothed over the Black Hills. His camp stove covers an acre! No one is quite like Paul, but we think you look like his prodigy.Design & DetailsHave you been introduced to plaid, the sacred style in Paul Bunyan's neck of the woods? If not, we're here to help with this Men's Lumber Jack Opposuit. It's the kind of flannel-looking garment that says, Yes I can clean up, while maintaining, Yes I can chop that wood for the bonfire later. Not a bad pairing, eh? The 100% polyester suit features a fully-lined jacket, a two-button enclosure in the front and false pocket flaps. The necktie matches the suit -- and it's not a clip-on, so make Paul proud and learn to tie a tie already. The pants have elastic bands at the sides to ensure a snug fit, while sporting two front and one back pocket for your valuables: wallet, keys, ax, cast iron pan, etc. Keep in mind that Opposuits have a slim-fit design to flatter your body; just consult the size chart to make sure you snag what you really need.