Shrimp Toddler Costume
Small But MightySmall fry. Tiny Tyke. Shrimp. Being small can come with some unsavory nicknames for toddlers. But not to your kiddo. To your child, being called "shrimp" is a compliment they can't wait to hear. So bring it on, because nothing bugs your little crustacean-lover!In fact, your child loves shrimp so much, they would very much like to don this Toddler Shrimp Costume for Halloween this year. And while you may have never thought of shrimp as cute and cuddly, you have to admit that seeing your kid in this getup has given you a new affinity for the little morsels. Not to mention, your unique child is all but guaranteed to have a one-of-a-kind costume for the party this year ” you don't see too many shrimp walking around at Halloween (or ever, really). All hail your little shrimp ” the coolest crustacean in the ocean! They have my vote. Design & DetailsWhether your kid is gaga for seafood or just really likes to see shrimp everywhere, they will flip for this exclusive shrimp outfit. Not only does it transform your toddler into a shrimp, but it does so effortlessly, with a simple zip-up tunic that can be worn over a base of their own clothes. A clever design and cozy orange fabric create the shrimp's body, legs, and tail while a hooded top (with cutout) gives the shrimp its head, eyes, and antennae. Big ImpactDon't let a shrimp's small appearance fool you ” seeing this shrimp trick or treating will bring loads of unexpected delight to your neighborhood this Halloween!