Toddler Horton Dr. Seuss Costume
We Are Here!Sometimes, as adults, we forget how hard it can be to live in the world as a young person. When you 're a small child, nothing is really built for you. Everything is too big, you can 't see over anybody, and sometimes you have to shout to get a bigger person 's attention. The poor Whos on Horton 's speck of dust experienced that feeling to the extreme! Their tiny home was almost destroyed several times, so we 're sure glad that Horton was there to stick up for them. We think it 's a good idea to follow Horton 's example and remember that a person 's a person, no matter how small! Design & DetailsHelp your little one make their voice heard with this Horton Costume for Toddlers! This costume, designed to look like the iconic book character, starts with a cozy gray jumpsuit. The jumpsuit has white elephant toes sewn to the ends of the legs and a tail on the back complete with a fluffy tip. Of course, your kiddo 's nose and ears are far too small to pass as an elephant 's, so the headpiece includes both! The stuffed trunk is even holding a pink clover like the one that houses the Whos. We hope your kiddo will feel extra confident in this adorable costume!