Plus Size Deluxe Uncle Sam Costume for Men
Uncle Sam Wants YOUYou can't mention the United State's rich and fascinating history without mentioning Uncle Sam! But... who was Uncle Sam? Was he a New York merchant who supplied the Americans with food during the War of 1812? Was he an Army recruiter? Was he just someone who looked amazing in a top hat, tails, and beard? Whoever he was, he's now very welcoming. But make sure you ask a lot of questions if he wants you to sign anything. Product DetailsLook festive and fun in this exclusive Men's Plus Size Deluxe Uncle Sam Costume! The cutaway tailed jacket is made of blue gabardine and is decorated with striped lapels and appliqued "buttons." Wear it over your favorite white shirt and jazz it up with the striped poplin bow tie. The matching striped pants have a comfortable elastic waistband. The foam-backed stovepipe hat is made of red and white velour and is ringed by a blue band decorated with white stars. The faux fur beard completes your transformation into the famous mascot. How to Delegate Like a Pro When you're wearing your patriotic outfit, you're sure to have an amazing time at your next Fourth of July or Halloween party! When you're out and about, don't forget your famous catchphrase if someone asks you to do something you're not excited about. If asked to take out the trash, turn to a friend and say, "Uncle Sam wants YOU... to do that job." It's hilarious every time! Ok, your friends might not think so, but they're just jealous that they didn't think of it first.