Mini Spider Window Walkers
A Tradition Is BornHelp us out here. We're trying to start a new tradition. You know how at Christmas, people hang mistletoe and if you find yourself standing under it, you have to kiss? Well, we think Halloween could use a romantic tradition like this, too! It may not seem like the most obvious of romantic holidays, but lots of people get a thrill from All Hallows Eve, and who doesn't love the possibility of romance just around the cobweb...er...corner?These Mini Spider Window Walkers are integral to our plan. We want you to hang them at your haunted house, and spread the word as to their new significance. Then, when you catch anyone taking an opportunity to smooch underneath them, snap a photo and (with their consent, of course) post it with the hashtag #spidersmooches. Let's start a movement! We think it will catch on. Of course, if not, these spiders still make great Halloween decorations.Product DetailsEach of these two, lifelike plastic spiders is approximately 3.5" long, and features a suction cup on its underside to make it able to stick to glass! Grab a bunch and try them all over your house, so you can relay accurate data to us about the effectiveness of Operation Spider Smooches.A Final NoteWe know that some people are, in fact, afraid of spiders and would find the notion of kissing underneath one terrifying. We can only hope that starting to associate spiders with romance can help the long, unfair reputation of arachnids. But of course, scaring people is half the fun of Halloween, so whether our big plan works or not, we'll call it a success!