Deluxe Harry Potter Light Up Harry Wand
The Right WeaponWelcome to Ollivander 's! It 's time to choose your wand. We have all shapes, sizes and materials, but we can tell from the look of you that you 're going to need something extra special. It 's the lightning bolt scar that gives it away, you see. Heroes usually have crazy-shaped scars. Also, only someone very noble-hearted and uninterested in the small matters of personal appearance would have a bowl cut AND google glasses! You are to be commended, Boy Who Lived!Product DetailsLet 's get right to the fun stuff. Certainly, you can try out as many different wands as you desire, but may we make a suggestion? Something tells us that only one wand will suit you. Step over here, and see our Harry Potter Deluxe Light Up Harry Wand! It 's made of plastic (the Muggle term for holly wood) and lights up when you use it! He Who Must Not Be Named will cower in fear when he sees you using the twin of his own dark weapon! We just know that you are destined to save Hogwarts. Could we get an autograph? Oh, wait - maybe you should put the wand down first.