Dr. Seuss Fox in Socks Costume Accessory Kit
Out of the BoxWe haven't met many foxes in our lives. We've met a couple of foxes that have plenty of style with long bushy tails and eyes that always look like they're wearing eyeliner. We've met some that play games, some that prefer to stay away. But we've never met a fox that wears socks! Dr. Seuss's Fox in Socks is a real charmer. There's nothing he likes more than presenting brilliant tricks to the hesitant Mr. Knox! Are you ready to take on the role of the tongue-twisting Mr. Fox? No one will get you mixed up with any other fox other than the Fox in Socks when you're rocking this costume kit! Product DetailsPut together a costume in moments with this costume kit! It includes a pair of bright blue "socks" that are actually boot covers that can be worn over your own shoes. Double-thumbed mittens will make you look like a Seuss illustration while the loop on red tail and the tufted ears will make your foxy origins clear! Pair this costume with a red ensemble and you'll be ready to appear as this famous Seuss character!Read it and WeepAll of the tongue twisters that the Fox in Socks constantly spouted may have made Mr. Knox want to weep, but after revisiting this book, we think the Fox had great style! Are you ready to take on reciting Seuss? You may want to loosen up that tongue or you'll end up just like Mr. Knox. Of course, wearing this costume kit is sure to give you a little more confidence when you break out your Dr. Seuss book of choice! Whether you're dressing up for Halloween or a literacy event like Dr. Seuss's birthday, this Fox in Socks costume is an unexpected and, dare we say, rather dashing, tongue lashing choice!