Women's Playboy Bunny Black Accessory Kit
Trouble in ParadiseSitting on your yacht just off the coast of Hawaii, you do not know what the worst part of your life is. Maybe it is the fame and adoration, or perhaps the lifestyle of leisure. No, it is definitely the fact that you cannot find any way to accessorize your outfit! It is too perfect.You have tried men 's ties and cravats. You tried bright jackets and mesh gloves. You even tried bright red clown noses! Nothing is working. Wait! You 've got it! Tearing the cuffs and collar off a fancy shirt, you try accessorizing with the fanciest pieces of other outfits. And the fanciest ears in all the world, bunny ears! It is perfect!Style High ClubFinding the best way to accessorize an outfit is tough, but with this Womens Playboy Black Accessory Kit, you will know that you have done it well. This set of white cuffs with black cufflinks pairs well with any outfit or costume. The ears and collar add that extra touch of playfulness that will send you over the top when it comes to sass! Just make sure that you are ready when the cameras start flashing and the reporters all start asking who you are!