Plus Size Black Jazz Flapper Costume
Zam Gabam! There's nothing like a flapper costume to make you wish you had a bigger vocabulary of authentic Jazz Age slang. And a red-hot exclusive like our Plus Size Black Jazz Flapper Costume will pretty much have you making up words that sound like distant echoes of the Roaring Twenties! Or at least that's how it was for us, ever since the moment we saw what a bob-smapulous great job we had done on this smoking outfit!Mom scott wontoozle! It actually feels like we're trapped in the kind of wacky poem Lewis Carroll would have written if he'd been born a few decades later. And that would be copacetic, but this outfit has us so fired up that we can no longer tell a real word like 'sockdollager' from one of these crazy phrases that keep popping into our heads, like yim yam yanskippy! Please tell us that we're not the only ones gripped by the throwback appeal of this sensational fringed dress and that flaptastic hat on top!People tried to warn us about crossing our eyes and getting them stuck, but nobody gave us the slightest warning that designing a bertrescent sequined costume could go to our heads like this. So while you're out on the town, trisquilating the evening away in this glittering dress with some sparkling conversation, spare a kind thought for your poor pals back here at HalloweenCostumes. We might still be here, fribulously trying to put our lexicon back in order!