Plus Size Giggles the Clown Costume
WeΓÇÖre not sure if youΓÇÖve heard, but clowns are having a bit of moment right now. This thrills you, of course, as a lifetime lover of all things clownish. Now you can finally rest at ease this Halloween knowing for sure what society has finally proven: clowning never goes out of style.No one will second-guess the sighting of you in this cute and classic ensemble. Just step (or tumble, or somersault) into this Plus Size Giggles the Clown Costume and cram a bunch of pals into your coupeΓÇöta-dah! YouΓÇÖre ready to head to the big party tonight. YouΓÇÖve brushed up on your favorite jokes so you can crack the crowd up (your favorite) and youΓÇÖve been perfecting your pantomime. Lucky for you, one of your best pals is dressed like and elephant, so you can incorporate her into your act for the evening. And though we hope your party lacks a real lion to tame, you can always carry around a replica and act afraid of its ferocity. YouΓÇÖre proving with every move that clowns arenΓÇÖt inherently scary! Brava!You may even incorporate this costume into your bitΓÇömaybe its rainbow polka dots remind you of gum balls and the bloomers allow for some top-notched tumbling. You made sure to top off your look with a red clown nose and a crazy colored wig, right? WeΓÇÖll be sure to take a video of you hamming it up, so the folks in cyber land can see a real clown who isnΓÇÖt afraid to take the age-old clowning craft seriously.