Women's Queen of Wonderland Costume
Nobody has ever said being Queen was easy. But looking amazing while ruling over your queendom is, especially if your realm happens to be in Wonderland! Slip into this glamorous Queen of Wonderland Costume, and show your subjects just how hot a monarch can look!As a queen's job is never finished, they always have a packed schedule. Look at the Queen of Hearts, who always has a game of flamingo croquet to play (assuming the hedgehog croquet balls haven't scurried off), or a plate of her special tarts to munch on. However, all of that is just a way to kill time until she gets to carry out her absolute favorite queenly duty, which is shouting "Off with their head!" to any subjects that have disobeyed her! Or, that have mildly displeased her, or were just in the wrong place at the wrong time when the queen was bored. Actually, for a subject, it's really just best to stay on the queen's good side...But you are the queen, so you can do whatever you want! And wearing this regally sassy dress to the costume party is the best way to show your royal authority over the other guests. The glamorous one-piece dress features a built in bodice and petticoat, because the Queen of Wonderland shouldn't have to fit finding all the parts of a dress into her busy schedule. Although, it is the queen's privilege to pick out sexy tights and heels to complete your own royal ensemble. It's not easy being the hottest queen at the party, but we're sure you'll manage!