Jurassic Park Men's Dennis Nedry Costume
Nerdy NedryDennis Nedry didn't mean to unleash such devastating Jurassic havoc upon the island -- and certainly not upon himself. But that's not where his influence ended. His raincoat, can of Barbasol shaving cream, and terrified shriek are etched into pop culture history nowadays.Was he justified in wanting a raise to his salary? Well, as a computer programmer in the 90s, designing the digital architecture of a historically dangerous experiment involving deadly long-extinct-but-now-alive beasts, he likely had some leverage in salary disputes! But sheesh, did you have to go and let all the Dilophosauruses out, Nedry?Design & DetailsWe all know that, even for those few minutes after crashing his jeep, the villain came to regret his decision. That scene just won't leave our brains! That's why we teamed up with Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment to design a costume based on Nedry's iconic final get-up. Officially licensed, so you can have confidence it's not crafted by some Nedry-esque schemer, the costume includes his raincoat with Jurassic Park logos and a removable hood, a print shirt, your very own Jurassic Park badge, and a pair of glasses frames sans lenses. Add your own photo to the Jurassic Park badge to make it your own!Cast ReunionSo you've scored yourself a side hustle to smuggle dinosaur embryos off of Isla Nublar. Well played! It will be easier as a group. Grab two pals; task one with learning some Jeff Goldblum witticisms, while the other dresses as a terrifying Dilophosaurus and stalks you all night. We'll let you three sort out how to split your dinosaur embryo earnings, though.