6.75" Unicorn Bonez Decoration
Diet AchievedFor most people, mealtime is a very important time of the day. You get to come together with your family and spend some time chowing down on delicious feasts while bonding with everyone about the travails of the day. Then there are the people who are on crazy diets!That 's what happened to Sparkles, here. She got caught up in one of those celebrity trend diets where you only eat peanuts every day, but she was allergic to peanuts! Well, it didn 't take long for her to meet her goals, and now she can say that she lost about as much as she possibly can! We do not recommend the Sparkles the Unicorn diet.Humerus SituationUnicorns are known for their beauty and the life that they bring to world around them. As the symbols of purity and love, they hold a special place in our hearts. This is not that kind of unicorn. This bony monster comes in at six and three quarters inches tall, making it the tiniest scary skeleton around. The soulless, empty eyes and gutless body are both creepy and spooky. You can 't go wrong when you add this equestrian horror to your decorations this year!