Adult Mythical Satyr Costume
The Original Wild Thing Flip through the pages of any tome of Greek mythology and you'll quickly stumble across the satyr: A half-man, half-goat hybrid with more lore than some of the gods. They had lots of personality and basically did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Other beings kind of had jobs to do - the water naiads protected streams, etc. - but satyrs basically just partied and wrecked stuff. Sounds like a fun job! Product DetailsChannel a fearsome yet frolicsome mythological being when you wear your Mythical Satyr Costume for Men! The costume's top features jagged arm holes and a V-shaped neckline laced with faux rawhide cording. The faux leather waistband is criss-crossed with more cord just above the dark grey front drape. The legs are made of brown faux fur and feature attached, soft-sculpted foot covers shaped like satyr hooves. Plastic bone beading adds a rough-and-tough element. Don't forget about the molded, horned half mask! Satyr Sensation Does living the easy life in lush woodlands and having no responsibilities appeal to you? It definitely appealed to the satyrs! Even the gods themselves gave them a wide birth most of the time. They might not look as terrifying as, say, Cerebrus, but no one wants to get on the wrong side of those sharp hooves and equally sharp horns. "Best just to let sleeping satyrs lie," as Homer would say (we're pretty sure we remember reading that line in the Odyssey). If only the Greeks had thought to bring satyrs along to attack Troy, their conflict would never have lasted ten years.