Adult Rum Pirate Hat
So what if you've never spent a day swashbuckling on the high seas? You're ready to be a pirate now, dangit! And not the kind that takes over giant modern shipping vessels piloted by Tom Hanks, but the rum-running kind from the 17th Century. And you're ridiculously ambitious. Most of us have to start out as cabin boys. But you're ready for a first-day promotion all the way to captain. And we totally respect that... even though it's a little crazy. But If you really want to establish yourself as the seafaring king of rum on Day One, you'd better not leave port without looking the part. And that's why you need our glorious Adult Rum Pirate Hat!A plush red with gold trim, this tricorne (the term for the hat pirates wear... but you already knew that) creates an unmistakable picture of that dashing, larger-than-life scalawag we all see in our heads whenever someone utters the words "pirate" or "captain" (or whenever we've had a few too many drinks). When you sail under the Adult Rum Pirate Hat, every member of your crew, and every port you pillage, will know right away that you brought the party... and the rum!