Adult Star Wars The Force Awakens Kylo Ren 1/2 Helmet
It 's a fact: Most of the deadliest, baddest bad guys in Star Wars history had the messed-up faces. Darth Vader wore a mask (and it wasn 't much better when he took it off, either). Darth Maul had some crazy tattoos all over that Zabrak face. Palpatine...yeesh! Cover that thing up!But Kylo Ren now that 's a face we really don 't mind looking at. The downside of that, for him, though, is that t 's also not exactly a face that strikes fear into the heart of your enemies. Thus the need for this Adult Star Wars Ep. 7 Kylo Ren 1/2 Helmet! If people are like, You look like a baby. I 'm not taking this I love the Dark Side thing of yours seriously just slip this bad boy on, kill some beloved people, and continue on with being a frightening First Order leader who harkens death and destruction to everyone and everything that 's good within the Empire!>/p>