Adult Traditional Nun Costume
Many say that women are the greatest mystery on the planet. Men spend the bulk of their lives claiming that they are attempting to understand the fairer sex and constantly fail to get anywhere with that mission. The ladies on the other hand generally argue that it is pretty easy to understand general things like… being listened to or having their other halves willing to put in their fair share of the domestic work. But, who knows! Maybe the mystery is deeper than one might guess. Or, it is possible, that the mystery comes from just a portion of the female population that live such a cloistered life that very few ever get to understand it.You guessed it: the nunnery! Few have seen what life is like behind the stone walls of the convent. Are the nuns all of quiet disposition, reading and reflecting on spiritual lives? Or are they throwing some of the most unique parties that the rest of the world has never before seen? Are they in the midst of singing quiet psalms to the Lord or reinventing pop music in a fascinating display of Sister acts!?You can be our guide into the world of the sacred with this Adult Traditional Nun costume. And, while the convent is normally a gal-only sort of establishment, we like ot think that the modern world is more accepting. So, guys, feel free to apply. In fact, we’ve got this in toddler and child sizes, too, so everyone is invited into this nunhood! You’ll feel great in this black long-sleeved dress with a round neck and easy access back zipper. The white collar fastens with Velcro and the veil is sewn to a headband that fits comfortably and ties in the back of the head. Include your favorite cross-themed accessories or even go full boar and get yourself an exorcism kit in case you’ve got some real demons to deal with!