Ain't Afraid of No Wolf Girl's Costume
Scaredy WolfYou've heard the story before, right? Little Red Riding Hood gets sent into the woods to deliver some goodies to her grandma. The Big Bad Wolf shows up, tricks her, ends up eating a bunch of people until a woodsman shows up to save everyone. How... boring!We'd like to propose a new tale! Instead of a naive girl who gets tricked by a mean old wolf, how about this tale begins with a well to do Red Riding Hood, who knows the woods like the back of her hand. Instead of carrying goodies with her, she carries a hatchet, for chopping down treats and for making short of any evil wolves who might be lurking in the forest. In fact, maybe this heroine SAVES grandma and the woodsman from the wolf. That's a much better story, and of course, there's only one girl who could star as the protagonist of this kind of story... your girl!Product DetailsThis girl's costume is a wild new spin on the classic Red Riding Hood costume. It comes with a white chemise style top with an attached faux leather vest. It also has decorative buckles in the front for a look that's much more rebellious than the classic look from the fairytales. The cape is a brilliant red color and fits around the shoulders with a tie in front. Of course, Little Red Riding Hood needs her hood and this cape has one attached to it! Pair this up with boots, an axe, and a basket, and your little girl will be ready to scare off the nasty Big Bad Wolf!A New StoryScoff at tradition and put a whole new spin on the classic Red Riding Hood tale! With this costume, your girl gets to make her own version of the story!