Angel Harp Accessory
Having trouble finding the perfect angelic accessory to top off your Halloween or Christmas look? Well, guess what? Quit harping on it!You 're probably thinking: where did that expression come from, anyway? Well, we 're glad you asked, oh curious one! Harping on is sometimes thought of to be a shortened version of to harp on the same string meaning, like, to play the same note over, and over, and over." It 's kind of of like when your kid learns a new song at school and then sings it, repeatedly, in the car, in the bath, in bed, at the dinner table, in the grocery store what an angel, that one.Anyway, we 're getting off the subject. Whether you want to top your angel costume with an ideal accessory or you 're looking for a new twist on a classic musician getup, this little Angel Harp will give you absolutely nothing to complain about!