Black Dramatic Wing Eyelashes w/ Glue
Expressive EyesA huge part of communication is not about the words you're actually saying. Your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language make up most of your message. That's part of the reason that stage actors wear such over-emphasized makeup and use exaggerated gestures so that even those in the back row can catch the full meaning of their lines. If you're more up close, you can convey lots of meaning with your eyes. So if you need to make sure your point gets across, you might want something that exaggerates what your eyes are saying and that's where dramatic lashes come in!Product DetailsIf you want to be sure you're being seen and heard, try these Black Dramatic Wing Eyelashes with Glue. They come not only with the glue you'll need to keep them on but also with instructions in case you're new to the world of gluing things to your eyelids. You can trim them to fit your unique eye shape, and even reuse them for your next party or makeup look! They're sure to add some dramatic flair to any costume that needs it. Whether you're dressing as royalty, a magic wielder, or a rock star, these lashes will give you the expression you're looking for!