Care Bears Tenderheart Bear Backpack
TRUE LEADERSHIP QUALITIESIt can be tough to stay organized and still productive in a world so filled with chaos and frustration. It is at times like these, that we need to be inspired by someone that really knows the meaning of leadership, especially in the face of such negative feelings!Turning to the Care Bears is a natural thing to do in times like these! And, for the best of both worlds, Tenderheart Bear is just the buddy to help us move forward. Talk about leadership skills!? Who else can manage the varied personalities of a bunch of cloud-dwelling teddy bears!? DESIGN & DETAILSChannel those happy vibes when you see what our in-house designers have put together, all inspired from their favorite floating city of all, Care-a-Lot. With this officially licensed Tenderheart Bear Backpack, you can be sure that no matter where you go, you've got someone who has got your back! Literally, too, since this backpack fits comfortably thanks to our custom length-adjustable straps and the faux fur construction of Tenderheart Bear's own image. You'll have plenty of storage, too, thanks to the 8x20 measurements! So much love! THE COURAGE TO ACCOMPLISHFear no level of obligations or that inbox of stuff you have to get done. With this Tenderheart Bear Backpack, you can take it all with you and know that you've got the power of cute to help you get everything complete!