DC Wonder Woman Pin
Taking a Wonder Woman StandWonder Woman stands for love, compassion, and justice! She also has no problem serving up a heaping helping of butt-kicking when the situation calls for it. (Just ask Ares or Cheetah about that!). She's really the kind of person that we should all strive to be like in our normal, everyday actions. All you need is a little reminder!You don't necessarily need to deck yourself out in a full Wonder Woman costume to carry the torch of your favorite DC superhero's ideals. Maybe you just need a simple pin that you can put on your purse or backpack!Product DetailsThis DC Wonder Woman Pin is a simple piece of superhero swag for any DC fan. Not only can you use it to help put the finishing touch on your cosplay outfit, but you can also wear it with your everyday clothes. It has an enamel front with the classic W's of the Wonder Woman symbol. The back is a tack pin, perfect for pinning to clothing, backpacks, purses, and more.Casual SuperheroLooking for a quick and easy cosplay option? Just place this pin on your favorite red shirt, get yourself a lasso and some cool golden bracelets and you've just transformed yourself into a casual superhero.