Eternal Dalek Yellow Knitted Winter Hat
An Extra Warm Terrestrial Exterminate the cold this winter then you toss on this Yellow Eternal Dalek beanie. Sure, usually the Daleks want nothing more in the universe than to exterminate all other living organisms. So why would you ever want to put one on your head? Well, we promise you that this Yellow Eternal Dalek only wants one thing and that is to exterminate the cold and keep your head warm. As evil as that alien race may be, you've got to admit that they still make a pretty adorable knitted winter hat.Product DesignThis knitted beanie is made of acrylic yarn so it is warm as well as soft and lightweight. It is designed with a layered cuff that also has knitted-in details all around it, and the eye at the front center is embroidered. The two bulbs on the top of the hat representing the Luminosity Dischargers are stuffed with polyester fiberfill.A Superior StyleAll inferior winter wear is considered the enemy of the Daleks, and destroyed! Winter wear is only the beginning. We will prepare, we will grow more fashionable. When the time is right, we will emerge and take our rightful place as the supreme fashionistas of the universe.