Glitzy Cowgirl Costume for Women
I ain't afraid to love a man. I ain't afraid to shoot him neither. -Annie OakleyStep Aside Cowboys, Cowgirl Coming ThroughThe Old West won't be ready for a rooting, tooting gal like you! Not after you toss on these glitzy garbs and enter the saloon. Some say the fiercest women were the Amazonian warriors and others say that the warrior women from the ancient days of the Greeks were even stronger. However, we know it and you know it. The strongest and most revered women came from the days of the wild west. Back then, it was eat or be eaten by society as well as by good ol' mother nature. So you had to be willing to strap your boots on tight and weather the storms that life would bring. Ready or not the world came a'knocking and if you didn't answer the door, it was getting kicked in.Design & DetailsToss on this beaut of a black dress and with its silver-gray lining and design, even the roughest riding cowboys will have to admit that you sure have some stylish digs. Then add the matching scarf and cowgirl hat and the costume is complete. Don't be surprised if every Old West town you enter turns into a ghost town as your ride on in. They don't want no trouble and that'll look like exactly what you happen to be selling. Be sure to grab a strong yet stylish set of boots to match this outfit and you'll be ready to really kick up some dust this Halloween!Behold the Glamorous RiderBe ready to face the world of any day and age, and all it has to offer when you dress the part. Toss on this Glitzy Cowgirl Costume and you'll look like a sandstorm at sunset. The perfect mix of beauty and devastation. Thanks to the simplicity in this amazing costume just about anyone can pull it off but we have a feeling that you can truly embody this look like none other. You'll have all your on-lookers whistling Dixie before you know it.