Gold Mermaid Bra Top for Women
When you’re trying to look like a mermaid, you have a couple of different options to get the perfect look. You could head out to the beach, scour the sands for hours and then paint them gold and add some bra straps to them to create a bikini top, but who’s got time for all that? Your other option is to just order this gold mermaid bra top, which we’ll send to your doorstep while you sit back and relax. The second version sounds way better!This mermaid bra top has a great look that goes with any mermaid outfit. It’s made by Leg Avenue, one of the top brands when it comes to costumes for women and it has a nice, shiny gold exterior. It’s also much more comfortable than trying to wear real seashells to complete your look. Just pair it with one of our mermaid fin skirts and you’ll be ready to wow them at your next party.