Harry Potter Classic Girl's Hermione Costume
Don't You Two Read?There's plenty to love about Hermione. Her mind is always on the game whether she's trying to defeat evil or simply giving her friend a leg up when he's struggling during a game of Quidditch. She's been that way since day one. Remember little Hermione entering Harry and Ron's car on the Hogwart's Express, letting Ron and Harry know to get into gear because the train was almost there! She helped the trio of friends out plenty of times through the years with her memorization of Hogwarts: A History. Sure, when it came to rebelling and letting Professor Trewalney know that she'd be dropping Divination in the middle of the semester, she could have been more graceful but would Hermione be herself if she didn't have a bit of a temper? Naw, we didn't think so either!Product DetailsThis officially-licensed Hermione costume from the Harry Potter movies couldn't be simpler to throw on. The dress front with pleated skirt and sweater is attached to the robe. It all secures with hook and loop fasteners in the back. The perfect Harry Potter robes for those who live in warmer climates, it can be accessorized however you like!Pack Your Trunk!For the kids in your life, getting to the Wizarding World doesn't require a ticket for The Hogwarts Express, flu powder, or even a flying car. All it takes is imagination! A good costume is a great booster, as well! So if your kiddo is ready to head to Hogwarts, this Hermione costume is a great first step. Complete this look with a wand, knee-high socks, and maybe even a Gryffindor scarf and your kid will be ready to pack their trunk and head off on their magical adventure. Just remember, it's Wingardium LeviOsa, not Wingardium LeviosA.