Horseshoe Mustache in Black
Stache SassMustaches have swagger! Nothing is quite as distinctive as a man with carefully styled facial hair. He might be a pirate, a champion wrestler, a dashing desperado, or that cool hipster barista for whom all the women customers secretly pine. A man with a ‘stache is the envy of all his companions. A mustache says I have mastered a razor, and therefore am master of my destiny! Who wouldn't want to be friends with a guy like that?Product DetailsEven if your closest friends don't realize when you've cut your hair, they'll never fail to notice an awesome moustache! The Black Horseshoe Moustache is here for all of your facial hair needs. It's made of 100 percent real human hair, and its adhesive tape is strong enough to keep it firmly in place whether you're robbing trains or waxing eloquent about the differences between cappuccinos and cortados.