Large Open Eye Cut Off Head - Scary Decorations, Halloween Accessories
Alright, so we can tell by the way you're staring at us that you're probably wondering how this happened. Well, it's actually a long story, and we'd rather not get into it. Do you just walk up to someone in a wheelchair and ask them what happened to their legs? Okay, fine, so some people do, but those people are rude and uncouth and are usually not welcome in polite society. So how about a little privacy, pal? We barely know each other!Also, if you really wanna know, we have a pretty bad headache that seems to be quickly turning into a migraine, and it's not only making us pretty cranky, but talking seems to get harder and harder with every passing minute. And as you can probably tell from the worry lines on our face, we've got a lot on our mind, and would appreciate a moment of peace to collect our thoughts. So if you don't mind, we'd really like to just sit here on this spike in silence, alright? Also, the sun's about to set, and with the day we've had, we'd like to just enjoy it while we still can, cool? Thanks for understanding. You seem like a solid guy. Also, you have a great body, if you don't mind us saying. Hope you enjoy it while you can.