Lifeguard On Duty Women's Costume
Something's FishyBeing a lifeguard is usually a lot more boring than people think. You mostly just sit there for minimum wage and occasionally yell at some kids not to run around by the pool. Every once in a while, though, something happens that can really make your day more exciting!Of course, we are talking about the yearly barbeque that the pool owner throws at the end of the swimming season! He closes the pool and only the lifeguards get to use it for the day. It is great fun and everyone has a blast, except for that year that Dave threw a 5-pound bass in there and ruined it.Product DetailsIf you are looking for a costume that will make you look awesome, comfortable, and stylish all at once, then this Women's Lifeguard Costume is the one for you. You will love the fit of the shirt, shorts, and hat, but don't forget your flotation device and whistle! The red and white of the shorts and shirt are flattering on anyone, and the hat gives you both some much needed shade and a lot of cool factor. From head to toe in this costume, you will look and feel like the consummate lifeguard, the pinnacle of the profession. Hopefully you won't need to save any lives when you are out in this costume, but with your whistle and striking attire, at least you'll be able to get attention if needed!Just Keep SwimmingFinding the perfect costume to wear after a long summer of being a lifeguard is hard, but we recommend you go for this Women's Lifeguard Costume. You will never look more like a lifeguard than you will after five minutes in this costume!