Mehron Premium Wolfman Brown Greasepaint Makeup 0.5 oz
Oh, Deer!When you're going through your face paint collection brown might not be the first color you'll find in your technicolored arsenal. In our humble, face paint loving opinion, it gets overlooked way too often. Yes, gold might be glamorous. It gets a lot of attention, especially when you've got it painted all over your face. White is the must-have good two shoes of a face paint collection. It never goes overlooked. Then there's pink, the outlier and the rebel that doesn't care about society's grease paint rules. But brown is stable and there for you. It's looking to be there for you when you know you'll need it and surprise you when you're freestyle painting your face. Product DetailsThis .5 ounce pot of paint will activate with just a little bit of water on a sponge or fingertips. It is oil based but you'll find that it's easy when you wash it off with water and soap. Barking up the right treeThis pot can take you places. From the happy tree in the school play to the sneaky camo-faced soldier in the woods. Whether you're drawing lines or painting your whole face, you're sure to enjoy having this good ol' brown pot of paint around.