Meowscles Mask from Fortnite
Cat Got Your TongueOne of the keys to diplomacy is to always present yourself as a powerful force, but one that is tempered by compassion and the desire for peace. As Teddy Roosevelt put it, Speak softly and carry a big stick. That is where Meowscles excels.When he was training with Kit as a youngster, Meowscles urged his son to turn from the mechanical monster that he was creating and to spend more time bulking in the gym. We all know how that turned out, but at least Meowscles took his own advice! But what you can 't do in the gym is make your face look like his, and that is where this comes in.Whole Kit and CaboodleIf you want to look just like Meowscles from Fortnite, then this is for you. The purple, white, and orange thirds of this Fortnite Meowscles Mask perfectly match his iconic face. The mask is held on securely by a stretchy strap in the back.Face-OffIf you have the huge musculature and physique of a world class body builder, then maybe this mask can help you make up for the half of the equation that you are missing. It helps no one at all if you intimidate your opposition too much, and as such, this cutesy, colorful mask is the perfect thing for you!