Metallic Purple Water Based Face and Body Paint
Go Purple or Go Home The secret to a successful costume is really committing to the look. It's not always enough just to put on a pair of wings or a tutu, although that's a lot of fun. Sometimes you want to immerse yourself in the details. Sure, you could blow up a lot of balloons and arrive at the party as a bunch of grapes, or you could turn yourself purple and really stand out! Product DetailsWant to rep your school's colors at game day or dress as a witch, a monster, or a big purple dinosaur? This Mehron Water Based Metallic Purple Face and Body Paint has you literally covered! The makeup cake activates with water and can be applied with your choice of brush or sponge. When you're done being purple, simply wash off the hue with soap and water. Purple PowerThis shimmery makeup gives you endless possibilities for your next impressive look. You'll be seeing life through purple-tinted glasses!