Padme Amidala Costume Adult
If you thought life was hectic when you were Queen of Naboo, just wait til you become a member of the Galactic Senate! Because back in Theed you may have had time to change your clothes for every royal appearance, but now you're all grown up. Now you've really got to get down to business. Luckily for you, we've seen this happen again and again, and we've come to offer some friendly advice to aid in a smooth transition to your new role!First, you're going to need to simplify your wardrobe. You also might have to lay off a body double or two. But don't think of it as losing your old life. Think of it as gaining a surprisingly fashionable and functional new multipurpose jumpsuit! Whether you're petitioning the Senate on behalf of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine or enjoying a relaxing weekend getaway on Geonosis with your forbidden Jedi love, this Amidala Adult One Piece Costume will have you covered. It's made out of durable fabric that can withstand just about anything short of nexu claws. So stay away from those!And just in case your negotiations become a little more aggressive than normal, we're throwing in a battery-operated Padm e Blaster. Please don't thank us if it ever comes in handy: we'd rather not have any information that might bring us face-to-face with an interrogation droid. The same goes for that utility belt and those boot covers. They may not technically be weapons, but they still look pretty sharp!