Star Trek TNG Phaser Gun Accessory
Phasers on stun...Sure, Starfleet's mission is to boldly go where no one has gone before and seek out new life. But if you're a security officer, it sometimes seems like your mission is more to boldly go wherever your captain tells you to, and seek out new life that probably wants to vaporize, telepathically control, or eat you. So, when the commander of an Away Team that you're stuck pulling security for gives that dreaded order to keep your weapon on Stun Mode, we wouldn't blame you if you hope they get attacked first.They probably won't, though, so you'd better keep your trigger finger ready and close to this Star Trek TNG Phaser Gun Accessory when on your mission! This officially licensed accessory is modeled after the Type 2 Phaser props in Star Trek, and is an essential part of any TNG-era Starfleet uniform costume. In other words: don't beam down without it!