Baby Wolf Girl's Costume
Blame it on the MoonThis last year has been full of late-night howling. You've been wondering why you just can't quite get the sleep schedule right. You thought maybe you've been letting your baby nap too much during the day but keeping her up meant that your whole family was ready to start howling at all times of the day, not just at midnight. Then you thought it might be her diet. No, that didn't seem to be it either. Then, one night after she couldn't seem to get back to sleep you decided you both could use a change of scenery. You left the nursery, went down the stairs, through the kitchen, and into the backyard. The moon was full and beautiful. You and your baby looked at each other then turned your faces up to the sky to let out one long, final howl. It turns out your little one just wanted a little moonlight!Design & DetailsCreated by our in-house designers, this baby wolf costume is wildly adorable! The exclusive look features a gray dress layered under a fleece coat that's the key to your child's wolfish disguise. The coat secures with hook and loop strips on the front and has a tail on the back and a hood with buffalo print lined wolf ears at the top. With no bulging parts, you won't have to do a costume change just to get your little one in the car seat which makes this look a great pick for long-distance trick-or-treating!Raised by WolvesA great choice for group costumes, this sweet wolf costume can be paired with all sorts of looks. From Little Red Ridinghood to the three little pigs! No matter what everyone dresses up as we're sure that you and your family are going to make baby's first Halloween a memorable one!