Corn on the Cob Costume for Infants
HOW CORNY Being corny is usually not good. When your pre-teen exclaims, "Dad's telling knock-knock jokes again, " it usually means he's embarrassing her, and even worse, in front of her friends. (Gasp!) While you're in the kitchen attempting to do the latest internet dance craze and your 15-year-old son walks in and catches you mid-floss, he'll probably say, "Geez mom, stop being so corny!" Even though your older children dub many things you do as lame, weird or corny, there's someone in your household who doesn't mind at all your little angel, your tiniest darling, your bundle of joy, your baby girl or baby boy. Not only does your infant completely not care if you're being a little cheesy or "corny" from time to time, they'll gladly join in on the fun. They giggle and smile at you when you're being silly and they can't talk yet so telling you to "ugh stop, mom" is impossible. What a blessing! Take advantage of this glorious time in your baby's life by wrapping the tiny kernel in the infant corn on the cob costume. Baby won't mind being disguised as an ear of corn and they'll join in on the corny-ness actions. Well, maybe they can't join in but they'll definitely say "gah-gah-goo-gah" and bounce along in their walkers, both cute and reassuring.PRODUCT DETAILSButter up baby with the soft, adorable infant's corn on the cob costume. The comfortable bunting shrouds your bundle of joy in a cozy fabric while the attached square of butter doubles as a pillow, convenient for a spontaneous nap time (which is anytime, when you're a baby.) The included hat has an attached nub, completing the irresistible corny cuteness.AW, SWEET CORN!You'll most likely fall in love with your baby corn, because, let's face it, your baby is precious. This may result in the incessant urge to dress him or her up as a different food every day. We support that so we have lots of food-related baby costumes for you to browse. Today a corn, tomorrow a...hot dog!