Little Red Riding Hood Deluxe Costume for Infants
To Grandma's House, She GoesHeading to Grandma's house can be rather unpredictable. Last year, you were halfway through your drive to celebrate your sister's birthday when you realized you were driving to grandma's house on the wrong weekend. That was less of a fairy tale adventure and more of an embarrassing inconvenience. There have been times when you forgot to pack simple things like a whole suitcase or toothbrushes. But nothing is quite as exciting as that epic trip that Little Red Ridinghood took to through the woods in the fairy tales. When you put this costume on your little kiddo, all those hiccups on the way to Grandma's house won't seem so bad. Sure, maybe your kid cried for three hours of the road trip and you forgot your credit card at a gas station but at least your kid isn't cavorting with a hungry wolf that has it in for the family matriarch!Product DetailsThis adorable Little Red Riding Hood Costume will make your little one into a fairy tale character with cozy, woodsy charm. Lush, red satin and homey gingham will make timeless memories that you can look back on for years to come. The dress is easy to put on your infant, zipping up the back. It has a built-in petticoat with lace trim for plenty of adorable bounce. The dress ensemble is topped off with a shining, velour red cape that has a hood that's lined in a matching red gingham. Happily Ever AfterWhether you're heading to Grandma's house or you're simply trick-or-treating, this costume will be ready to spread fairy tale charm where ever it goes! This costume can be paired with a wolfish sibling to make for an adorable family photo. You can be sure your Little Red Riding Hood costume will come with a happy and photogenic ending!