Newborn Robbery & Money Bag Costume
crime paysThe saying goes "crime doesn't pay." The consequences -- fines, a lengthy judicial process, public humiliation, and jailtime -- are simply too onerus. It can't be worth it...right? Well, you might not mind all that much when you see the potential payout. Sometimes it's a big old sack of cash!product detailsThis Infant Robbery & Money Bag Costume will show you exactly what you're missing if you choose to follow the straight and narrow. The felt money bag measures eleven square inches and features printed fabric play money on the bag's edges, and comes with a stretchy headband for your little one, too. It also comes with an adult knitted stocking cap and foam eye mask, so you don't look like you're just flaunting your savings. what's the moveNow you can get the classic look of a heist mastermind and the spoils. It doesn't weigh a ton, either. Carry it around all night long this Halloween. It's one of the most unique and eye-catching costume pairings we've had the pleasure of offering. Who could ever resist glancing in awe at what you've havoc you've wreaked, they'll have to approach you and ask exactly what kind of trouble you got yourselves in!