Squirrel Infant Costume
Ah, NutsRacing along the branches, you leap from one tiny limb to another. The shadows of your family in the boughs all around you tell you where to go, as you attempt to get one last load of nuts for your hollow. Come winter, you will be happy to have such a full larder!Being the smallest of them all, you almost get left behind, but your parents pay special attention to you at those times and wait for you to catch up. Everybody does their part in squirrel families and it is very important hat you are there to be the cute mascot. Your adorable chittering does wonders for their old hearts, after all!Design & DetailsYou might not be able to wear this every day, but bringing your signature flair to the way you dress is cooler than ever with this Infant Squirrel Costume. This Made By Us costume was put together by our hard-working and careful costume crafters, so you will feel good about wearing this for years to come. The included bodysuit, mitts, headpiece, foot covers, and acorn bag are all that you will need to turn your baby into the cutest little kit there ever was. From the stuffed and furry tail to the cute, tiny ears, this costume has all the details that will only enhance the cuteness of your baby. From head to toe, they will look just like those ubiquitous and adorable critters!Feeling SquirrelyIf you are searching for the perfect costume for all your needs, then you are in the right place. Your baby will feel and look awesome in this cool and comfortable costume. Just make sure you reserve some candy in that bag to last you through winter!