Decapitated Old Man Head Decoration
Horseless HeadsmanThe creaking rocking chair came to a slow stop as soon as the passerby mentioned the old man's stomping grounds. Sleepy Hollow, he muttered. It's been years since I thought of that place. Back when I had the body of a warrior! A ragged breath blew from the aged man, sputtering with moisture and the scent of something not quite right. I know you wouldn't think it of me ”the way I look now ”but once I rode a mighty stallion and terrified the locals with my legend. Oh! The scares I would give them. Let me tell you about the time that I took off my own head just to still their hearts! The rocking chair creaked back to life, leaving you to wonder how the bloodied head sitting on the chair managed to rock it at all. Product Details The mysteries of this Decapitated Old Man Head decoration will have your guests flummoxed for all their years. How did you get this creepy-looking, wrinkled and withered old head? What do those detailed painted eyes stare at and what is its open mouth trying to say? Fortunately, the bloody look of its torn skin is perfectly dry even if it looks like it could spring to life at any moment. The best part is if a Headless Horseman ever shows up, you know you can offer the perfect gift to complete his epic story.